Recent content by Esbelto

  1. Esbelto

    Rejected SCP-106 The old man

    You good bro? Maybe a little Justokay?
  2. Esbelto

    Duplicate Replace ttt_nuketown with it's MC counterpart

    Shoot first, ask questions later. What if they are disguised? Sacrifices must be made young one, I do hope you understand.
  3. Esbelto

    Implemented Boogie Bomb of Death

    There is nothing funny about getting boogied. You are on some really good shit if you think getting boogied by people who perma spawn with this awful weapon balances out traitor weapons which are meant to give an advantage over innocents, innocents shouldn't be given a spawn weapon like this as...
  4. Esbelto

    I have alleged information that can lead to the arrest of Doublecarrot (^^/🥕🥕)

    I have alleged information that can lead to the arrest of Doublecarrot (^^/🥕🥕)
  5. Esbelto

    La creatura

    La creatura
  6. Esbelto

    It's not that hard really, just enjoy it instead? Women are so difficult to understand. #CEOMindset

    It's not that hard really, just enjoy it instead? Women are so difficult to understand. #CEOMindset
  7. Esbelto

    Sticky Post here for SGM VIP Legacy Rank