Recent content by izthatquan?

  1. izthatquan?

    Denied izthatquan?'s Ban Appeal

    i feel like i got banned for just being me frfr
  2. izthatquan?

    Denied izthatquan?'s Ban Appeal

    it aint even like dat. im deadass a inner city black guy. its part of da culture to say ***** in a conversation. if u hear me ingame u know i dont mean no harm fr.
  3. izthatquan?

    Denied izthatquan?'s Ban Appeal

    i say it ALL the time wit no problems. [Censored] aint no fuckin slur
  4. izthatquan?

    Denied izthatquan?'s Ban Appeal

    Your IGNIzThatQuanYour SteamIDfuck itServerTTT VanillaWhy you should be unbannedCmon now.... I cant say *****? it aint even racist. its 2021 fuck. if im black and if i dont give af about it u shouldnt either. like, i aint even say it in a racist way or nun, shit crazy. chump ass mod who banned...