Recent content by Lowevik

  1. Lowevik

    Thanks Pauly

    Thanks Pauly
  2. Lowevik

    Thanks but the community is shit and admins ban for no reason

    Thanks but the community is shit and admins ban for no reason
  3. Lowevik

    Denied Lowevik's Ban Appeal

    Harrasment? What harrasment?
  4. Lowevik

    Denied Lowevik's Ban Appeal

    Your IGNSkriðdrekiYour SteamIDSTEAM_0:1:39673000ServerTTT ModdedWhy you should be unbannedToday I was playing on your server. It was all going swell when people were verbally KOS-ing Cory. I found Cory and killed him, he was a T. Afterwards I got slay message and 2 seconds later a "You have been...