Nitros last will and testament


Well-Known Member
Nitros last will and testament

To my friend memelord I leave my multiple nuclear silos

To vel I leave all the rights to my face, voice and screenshots of myself as he will want them for funny moments

To scrungy I leave the 5 chaos emeralds I have found

To grumble I leave my hidden phone book of women across the globe

To my enemy indy226 I leave a class 7 REDACTED that will forever follow your soul even after death

To jynx I leave my cats trixie and sally as I hope she will take good care of them

To Chad I leave you my mass stash of steroids as I know that you have run low

To dadly I leave my hard drive of pictures of myself and others in femboy clothing in all sorts of explicit positions

To pierogi I leave my eternal rhombicosidodecahedron, it’s secrets will help you make fun of proper

And finally to the community known as after hours gaming I leave you a curse, a curse that will last as long as Texas red is banned


Well-Known Member
To helix I give my vast wealth of information

To puppy you receive a curse of killing every capybara you ever see or come in contact with

To pauly I leave a pair of balls because he needs some

To cloudy I leave all my jojo stuff and I transfer my stand to you

To Gus I leave you my meme collection

To Damian I leave you my skeleton because I know you will do some cool stuff with it


Well-Known Member
To my friend Elias I give my McDonald’s gold membership card because he is fat(and gay)

Also to my friend Elias I leave manmade horrors beyond comprehension which are contained within my rib cage

To Marcos I leave you my trials passage and my gun because the big America is after yoy

To all women of colour, I leave one thing, Entropy

And lastly I leave my YoY, it is hidden within a golden ratio from the left most eastern conundrum


Well-Known Member
To the evil gamer I leave my evil wizard weed and all it’s evil propaganda

To meatball I leave the amulet that contains the essence of terry

To zach I leave my massive vault of cum jars

To jinkies you get a 44 magnum bullet to the cranium

To akira you get some pocket lint

To Nova you therapy

To linkara I leave you the 5th wall


Well-Known Member
To titan I leave my scp cards and all related scp articles and my knife collection as you have been a good friend

To froggodoggo I leave my tribe of homunculus so you will always have me

To Andrew I leave you my 05 clearance access and grant you a spot in the council as 05-4

To Nathan I leave my entire vqan folder in my computer and the data fragments

To meatwad I leave you the big red hand that you would take a bite out of

To waffle I leave you with my steam account which if you look has counter strike source
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Well-Known Member
To lunar I leave my green and my retirement

To my good friend Ice bear/ellyphant I leave with the tragedy that was 9/11

To lordy I leave you all the invites to the hentai servers I’m in

To interloper I leave you my orbital heart

To Jabba/Ethan I leave you my IP


Well-Known Member
To lightning I give you my vast wealth of many assorted playing card games

To fauxhill I give you all the vaccines

To Texas red I leave you the monolith that fell on my finger


Well-Known Member
To dazza I leave my selfie’s 😻

To Nagisa I leave you in a Bosnian prison deep underground

To chicken nugget I leave you

To nicken chuggers I leave you the universal block button

To proper I leave you my antipsychotic meds

To aquast i give you my lung collection


Cute Bunny UwU
Peace be upon you Nitro


Well-Known Member
To yellow I leave a cognitive gas that makes everything seem 1% more green

To spreadsheet I leave all my data of my entire life

To ori I leave you 3 of several weapons caches I own

To pomegranate I leave all of the British empire to you


Are you shitting me in your pants?!
I can still hear his voice…


Well-Known Member
To j3k I leave my pocket dimension that is quite literally in a pocket

To ryanhighman I leave my secret weed stash that I never use because I don’t smoke

To wasrady I leave you my never ending pizza

To swiffe I leave you my chronic earthquake bone


Well-Known Member
To moleman I leave you my Twitter account as we are both degenerates

To highwon I leave you the rotting corpse of your baby sgm

To jewtwo I give you up to the authority’s you creepy fuck

To Avery I give you a suicide bomber dog that will only blow up if you fuck it

To those that are smart I leave you the hidden link to a video of me in a plague doctor mask, you must tell me the hidden phrase

To Pan I give conversion therapy

To LBpotatoes I give you my will-o-the-wisp

To marshal zuji I give you my c4 that you always find on Richland


Well-Known Member
To Temar I give you a gold star for being temar

To pro skrub I leave you a glove that lets you rewrite history

To Athena I leave you my phone so you can use all my hidden hot pics and profit off me after death

To bee trans I give you diplomatic immunity

To meheezy I leave you to fight in a pit of children


Well-Known Member
To andy I give you a personality other than pronouns

To lovisa I give you a plane ticket out of that dead rotting land you call home

To Audrey I give you the lethal injection

To slug I give you an invitation back to general

To logically I leave you nothing because you don’t deserve any of the hard earned cash I have you psychopath 😋