R/am I the asshole for telling my weird uncle not to talk about genitalia infront of the kids at the cookout


Well-Known Member
So I was at a get together cookout with my family and my weird uncle (M58) acts really weird around the kids I don't wanna leak his name but we'll call him Mr. Baca (because he loves anime) around 3 hours into the cookout Johnny goth feels like were dying started playing (my fav song) when it stopped it looked like someone else took over. He went over to the kids table and pulled out his sketchbook filled with drawings of human anatomy "My iconic journal (F13)" he called it. He was salivating, His left eye was going limp, He was joyously sharing facts about the male genitals. I rushed over and said I was gonna bring their parents over if you don't leave. I spat in his wonky eye and started absolutely went to town on his outer thigh I broke a chair leg and started beating him. He rushed home in his tricycle I called him after and said he couldn't come back if he does the same thing AND he has to have johnny goth playing in earbuds 24/7. Sorry if bad grammar I am on mobile This is a story submitted by a ominous source. We will call him waf + I live in a bog


Active Member
INFO - if you've never been laid before you're in the wrong