Implemented Fix Propkilling

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Server's been out about a year, and here more than SGM prop-killing has become a regular thing, more than that it's rampant here. Any map where someone can propkill, someone will, which is fun if you're 12, retarded, or learning about propkilling for the first time, but for the rest of us it got old before AHG even started up, there's no challenge, no humor, no glory, no fun to instant-killing a random with a barrel, it's something only unfunny or new players do. Not to say there can't be innovation within prop-killing, or times where it doesn't impede the gameplay like a duel, but everyone knows how to do it now, and it's fucking obnoxious, there's times where I've logged on the server, instantly been prop killed by a player/spectator, and stopped playing for weeks. In a game with guns, traitor weapons that cost credits, prop killing is completely game-breaking, and this is coming from the guy whose spent hours trying to break the game in anyway I can.

For example - what's the point of a barrel gun, or a knife, if there's a free 1 shot weapon on 60% of maps with unlimited uses? What's the point of actually playing the game instead of just doing the bare minimum of spawning in, killing people with barrels, no reason for communication or strategy or even thinking. Certain maps you have to avoid entire sections of the map as to not get cross-fired by barrels. When players approach me holding a prop, it's hard to tell if they're RDMing, asking for a duel, or a traitor, so often I won't interact and avoid them, which just makes me end up getting killed (although I guess that's my fault for trying to play 'honorably'). Additionally, if you see someone killed by a prop, you usually assume that person was in a duel or something like that, and not a threat, only to be next in line. That is fucking stupid and even further discourages people from actually playing. It is harder to RDM with a gun than a barrel but I feel like one is looked at as way worse than the other, although you literally just have to move your mouse to get 1+ kills instantly. I miss when people made jokes or had interesting strategies instead of XDDDD I KILLED YOU LOL LAUGH NOW. It's a big reason I stopped playing, as well as a few others I've talked to.

Some potential fixes are (I do not code so idk what's possible)
1) Fix barrels so they actually register as killing a player (vs killed by the world) so propkillers can be reported more often
2) Ban staff from propkilling (If staff does something it becomes accepted and trickles down to the most annoying players) (side note: staff shouldn't even be allowed to RDM each other in general, your stupid inside joke of killing other staff has gotten me and others caught up in many RDM chains over the years. I love when me and 4 others die to your little discord staff call joke! It's to the point where if I see 2 staff fight I have to ignore it and assume it's just that shit)
3) Modifying barrels in a way where they can't instant kill - add a minigame where barrels fall from the sky and the ability to kill is reenacted. Quarantine prop killers to a fun round.

There's other solutions I'm not thinking of, I mean if everyone reported prop RDM things would be a lot better, but that can only go so far. I've talked about this before, for someone to reply "Ummm.... actually the current pop actually seems pretty happy with propkilling!", which is a flawed argument, the people who don't like propkilling have left, so even if I was the only one with this opinion that's only because of survivorship bias. I've burnt out now so thread over but if you have a problem with what i said, this is you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just a guy who wants the focus back on the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Whatever happens, happens
I personally am gonna bring this up in discussions with staff because it is something that has been on my mind for a while and is something I feel is important, and a potential turn off for new players.
I brought it up and staff is now heavily talking about this. I’ll keep you updated on what turns out cuz I ain’t accepting “nothing” as an answer


Well-Known Member
Staff are exactly almost probably definitely exactly again like the elites that are on the flight logs, mememendndjufje NO FIXING PROP KILL I WANT TO HAVE POWER AND HAVE DOMINION OVER PEOPLE THEN BE PRETENTIOUS ABOUT IT. Fuckers out here like Fred figglehorn with they suspenders and loud ass voice. Indy226 was right I should of become the Gabriel to his Jesus he was my saviour I want him back please he had every right to blackmail me please please OH MY GOD THEY HIT THE PENTAGON


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Buddy, is that a picture you or some sort of claymation project that you’ve been working on in your spare time? If that’s actually a picture of you and you felt like it was a good idea to post it; you’ve got some confidence that you have no business having.

Kudos to you for that 😂😂.

Honestly, some people here have seen the picture of my balls I took and I’d say they look more appealing that that crayon looking mop thing that you posted above me.
No selfie.... Just as expected.... And no - I bet it's hard to believe but I actually look that good. Crazy right? Scary even? Me and my buds are laughing at you in a discord call right now - a ton of them too. A whole squadron. We all think you're so stupid. Like actually one of the stupidest people ever in this community or in life. You should just leave before this gets embarrassing. I'm imagining you reading this right now, with my friends in my discord call, and we're crying all laughing. Seriously, just cut it out. Also - most the women in this community have seen my balls and BEGGED to see them, but you don't see me bragging about it. Everyone who saw them considered them one of the best sets they've seen. Word of advice:



Senior Moderator
No selfie.... Just as expected.... And no - I bet it's hard to believe but I actually look that good. Crazy right? Scary even? Me and my buds are laughing at you in a discord call right now - a ton of them too. A whole squadron. We all think you're so stupid. Like actually one of the stupidest people ever in this community or in life. You should just leave before this gets embarrassing. I'm imagining you reading this right now, with my friends in my discord call, and we're crying all laughing. Seriously, just cut it out. Also - most the women in this community have seen my balls and BEGGED to see them, but you don't see me bragging about it. Everyone who saw them considered them one of the best sets they've seen. Word of advice:

View attachment 1778
Women like… Nicole??


Whatever happens, happens
Aight, there’s a bit too much toxicity here. I feel like we’ve gotten out all of the major points on prop killing and @BARTHOLOMEW If there is anything else you want to add (or anything anyone wants to add) feel free to PM me on discord, but I’m going to go ahead and lock this thread. Bart like I said I do highly suggest making a separate thread about your thoughts on staff, while there has been a lot of back and forth here I do think it is very valuable input. This thread has already steered way too far off prop killing anyways. We’ll probably spend a good bit more talking about prop kill before we set a conclusion to this thread

EDIT: Fine fine, we’ll open it back up in a couple days to let the heat simmer down, but I do highly encourage everyone to keep it on topic…
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Well-Known Member
The issue arises from not the ability to prop kill but the fact that the knowledge is easily accessible, we must lock it away from the world and be its only gatekeepers. To be the gods of the prop and to never let it’s secrets be obtained by the weak, A man chooses and a slave obeys, we will not be slaves to Xi Jing Ping we WILL RISE ABOVE AND EMERGE VICTORIOUS AND UNSHACKLED FROM THE EARTH. As a man of money I’d suggest we make the magneto stick an item shop item so every round you purchase it as it has technically become a weapon and has its own meta

- The Roof Korean




One of AHG's official music nerds
The issue arises from not the ability to prop kill but the fact that the knowledge is easily accessible, we must lock it away from the world and be its only gatekeepers. To be the gods of the prop and to never let it’s secrets be obtained by the weak, A man chooses and a slave obeys, we will not be slaves to Xi Jing Ping we WILL RISE ABOVE AND EMERGE VICTORIOUS AND UNSHACKLED FROM THE EARTH. As a man of money I’d suggest we make the magneto stick an item shop item so every round you purchase it as it has technically become a weapon and has its own meta

- The Roof Korean
make holstered a t wep


Well-Known Member
make holstered a t wep
You have been affected by mind waves from the well you know, I’m sorry you are infected but this suggestion is slow and lumbering, I like it no I don’t


Magneto stick being a T weapon actually has some thought to it.. but it should be even more powerful…..
Coomer’s hand should be a t wep


Can I lift the entirety of roy the ship with a traitor magneto stick?

Not exactly relevant to the convo but a traitor crowbar could be fun. Used to be on a server where admins got a crowbar with a significantly greater push distance - would be fun to kill unsuspecting players by pushing them off cliffs/buildings etc.

My Dime Is Up

My Dime Is Kachow
Christ reading through the last 2 pages of this thread may have caused permanent brain damage to me.

Anyway, I see were you're coming from Bart. It can be annoying to be constantly prop killed. I had the same experience on SGM with the SL8 and Winchester 1873. Fucking XPro or Winchester 1873 Novice would 1-tap me with their respective weapons. I'd say this is the same situation, different method of attack however. I've liked a hands-off approach to server rules. I actually suggested to Pierogi running a duplicate of our modded servers but with very little rules other than don't obviously RDM your detective/traitor buddies, don't mass RDM, and don't be toxic. Sometimes I think TTT has gone the way of DarkRP where servers only want you to play the situations they want. Example, you can't shoot your t-buddy, have the detective claim your innocent and then rampage everyone while not being a suspect. You can't metagame by letting everyone into the t-room, letting an RDM fest take place, and then not having anyone know if anybody in the t-room is a traitor or not allowing you to freely walk in and out. Ultimately with us preparing for S&box we want to hold off on this idea for a while. I think you're suggesting just adding more rules to restrict what situations YOU want to play out. I understand the frustration but why limit the creative ways people can play TTT?

I also feel that politics is seeping its way into our daily lives to where you're on one side or the other, or things heavily sway from left to right or right to left. Here you're suggesting that since prop killing is annoying we should sway all the way to just not allowing prop kills in the first place (your point #3). This massive pendulum of "if I don't like X we should completely throw it out and do Y" rather than letting things just equalize normally is something that usually never has and never will work in any aspect of life. I think given time, prop killing will decrease and I've already started seeing it and think we are in a somewhat good place right now where I'm not getting prop killed every other round. Same thing with SGM where people started ditching the SL8 after a while and went back to the Ak47 or other weps.


Well-Known Member
At the end of everything we hold onto anything, the death of one era is the birth of another. Prop killing is the remnant of a dying world that will simply be replaced by another remnant of the next era. A cycle of creation and destruction made by us
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